Monday, December 01, 2014

Elegance, Class, Sophistication, Glamour, Chic and STYLE

This post is the sixth (and final) in a series about elegance, class, sophistication, glamour, chic, and style; words that are often used interchangeably when referring to attractive, well-dressed people, but which don't necessarily mean the same thing. Today, I'm going to talk about style...

Style: The basic defining characteristics of a person, everything from talk, dress, hairstyle, demeanor, etc.

Finally; something we ALL have. Everybody has some kind of style; and it doesn't have to be elegant, classy, sophisticated, glamorous, or chic. We tend to think of style as something attractive, but it can just as easily be something...well...not so appealing. A few years ago, Chrysler introduced a commercial during the Super Bowl called, "Whatever Happened to Style?" When I watch people playing with their iPhones at the dinner table, or see some of the get-ups that pass for fashion these days, I ask the same question. In my opinion, we have strayed from basic, good etiquette, and are generally way too casual and comfortable in manners of dressing. Do you agree? Or am I just being a fuddy-duddy? 

Watch "Whatever Happened to Style" | here |

All of the women below are known for, among other things, their unique sense of style. As you can see from the photos, style can vary from classy and sublime to ridiculous and vulgar.

Who are your style inspirations? Can you describe your own personal style?

Robin Wright - image via

Kate Middleton - image via

Tilda Swinton - image via

Kate Moss - image via

Kim Kardashian - image via

Lady Gaga - image via

Miley Cyrus - image via

1 comment:

  1. Kardashian is vulgar, Cyrus.....well no words come to mind. I wish she would disappear. Robin Wright is a classic, I enjoy everything she is in. Watch "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movie to see her at her best. Effortless acting.
