Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year!!!

Ahhh, a new year; a clean slate; a fresh beginning. On the other hand; high hopes; unrealistic expectations; and the inevitable disappointment, when you realize that you're still the same person you were last year. After a few weeks (or hours) on a new diet; or the latest exercise craze; or an ambitious plan to re-organize your life, your finances, your house, and your wardrobe, you will snap out of it and be you again; and then the self-loathing will start...

THAT is why I don't believe in making New Year's Resolutions. We don't need to introduce more stress and anxiety into our lives. 

What we need is to give ourselves a break; ditch the rigid, self-defeating, rules; feel great about ourselves when we shine; and hug ourselves when we fall short of our goals. Our dogs love us regardless of our failures and shortcomings; I think we should give ourselves the same unconditional love and compassion that they do. 

I'm not saying give up and be a total loser; there is always room for a few tweaks here and there; and beginning new, exciting projects and setting realistic goals keeps us on our toes. 

But life isn't always easy; so lighten up. No one really cares if your socks don't match; or that your triceps are a little flabby. And if you bring a red velvet cake shaped like your boss to the next office party instead of a plate of carrot sticks and low-fat dip, you'll secretly be everyone's hero...

Looking forward to 2015!

xoxo C

May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall! 
― Aleister CrowleyMoonchild

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